Did John Tibbs take singing lessons?

Singing journey: John Tibbs

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Singing Journey of John Tibbs: Lessons, Coaches, and Self-learning

John Tibbs, a gifted singer-songwriter, is known for his heartfelt melodies and powerful vocal delivery. While specific details about formal singing lessons or singing coaches in Tibbs' early career are not widely publicized, his journey reflects a blend of natural talent and dedicated self-improvement, characteristic of many successful artists.

How John Tibbs Could Have Learned to Sing

Artists like John often embark on a self-taught journey, turning to a variety of resources to hone their craft. It involves practicing daily, experimenting with different vocal techniques, and critically listening to their performances. For singers wanting to follow in Tibbs' footsteps, starting with understanding one’s voice is essential.

Begin with a Vocal range test to identify your range. This test compares your vocal range with famous singers and helps tailor your practice.

Focus on Breathing basics and Breath support, fundamental aspects that impact vocal performance. Similarly, techniques for Open mouth and throat singing can elevate your sound quality.

Practical Advice and Tools

For singers aiming to refine their pitch, the Pitch accuracy test is an invaluable tool. Follow this with the Pitch Training exercises to develop your ear and pitch accuracy further.

Exploring the vocal ranges of artists on Singing Carrots can also inspire and guide your practice. Understanding how artists like John Tibbs use their vocal range in their songs can give you insights into versatile singing.

Another aspect of Tibbs' appeal is his emotional delivery. Reading up on how to convey emotion through singing, such as combining intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, can be crucial for an aspiring singer.

To achieve similar results to John Tibbs, consistency in practice, coupled with the right resources and exercises, is key. Whether it involves harnessing the power of contemporary vocal techniques or mastering vibrato, singers must invest time and effort into their craft.


John Tibbs' singing journey underscores the importance of passion, dedication, and continuous learning. By leveraging resources like Educational singing courses and personalized practice tools, aspiring singers can embark on a path to achieve their own unique sound and success in the singing world.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners